It’s the Victoria Day long weekend here in Ontario and many cottagers are opening their cottages for the 2013 season. The weather can be hit and miss in the spring and it seems we have a little later start this year from the previous couple of years. The weather is always a driving force in the spring pest populations and unfortunately it’s a variable we can’t control. Also, some pests can be more active in a given year/season due to many factors. Don’t hesitate to talk to the Experts and find out what the trends are for the year.
This year, Cottagers on the Muskoka Lakes (and other areas along the watershed) have had to deal with flooding this year as the lakes and rivers we’re at an all time high water level. Since many boathouses (and other structures including homes and cottages) were flooded, docks and even the bottom portion of many boathouses were under water.

Since moisture damage is a major contributing factor in Carpenter Ant infestations, caution and awareness are in order. Assuming you have no required repairs from the flooding (We hope you don’t), it is still necessary to inspect and monitor for any increased Carpenter Ant activity in your Boathouse (or other structure). Look for increased ant activity, evidence of chewing or sawdust like material (frass) which can appear if Carpenter Ants are making a nest or anything else that seems unusual. If you’re not sure about something or have questions, call an Expert. That’s what we’re here for. You can always call and get some professional advice and guidance from a pest control company.
Annual pest control is the best way to protect your paradise AND your investment by proactively dealing with pest problems before they get out of hand. Talk to the Local Experts at Muskoka Pest Control. We Can Help.